
January 28, 2017

Growing up, I've always loved Chinese New Year; being able to meet with family, feast, laugh and pocket some of those iconic red envelopes warms my heart. You best believe that homegirl is so "red"y. (Ha. See what I did there.) But for me the best part was being able to pick out a new outfit to celebrate the first day of the new year in. 

In retrospect, some years I look like I stepped straight out of wonk-town with some *seriously* mismatched pieces that I convinced my eight-year-old-self to pull off and other years seem like I was playing an extreme game of "Let's see how many shades of red I can layer on!". I'd say one (at most), but apparently, fetus me would agree to disagree. Yes, I have pictures. No, I will not show them. I want you guys to think I'm cool, okay. But the MVP really goes to my parents for agreeing to buy me those unexplainable decal tees and being able to step out with me looking like a total style-wreck. 

And despite all that, there will always be a part of me that will never let go of the lionhearted, bold and eccentric fashion statements I made as a toddler. So fast-forward a few years and I'd like to say that my style has matured just as I have. I would love to say that, I really do, but I can't. Exhibit A? The fuzzy red sweater. BUT MOM, I LOVE IT. PLEASE. I CAN PULL IT OFF. SEE. 

Eat! Smile! Have a happy Chinese New Year and Gung Hei Fat Choi!

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