Une Fleur Féroce

June 27, 2016

Une fleur féroce is a tough flower. A strong flower. And I think often times, flowers are almost always perceived to be fragile and dainty. Subsequently, becoming a classic, and although, beautiful, yet misleading metaphor for femininity. Growing up in an age where the status quo is encouraged to be broken, where prominent female recognitions are found in fields not normally deemed for women, it's always interesting to see how the timeless representation of the "flower" is evolving and blossoming to something much more then what it originally stood for. It is now a capable flower. A fierce flower. 

But I digress. 

Truthfully, I think the past nine years of learning French have only led up to this one final defining moment: being able to title a blog post in French. That or being able to curse confidently in that said language. And if that's not pretentious enough for me to self-cringe, than I wouldn't know what is. But don't get me wrong, I truly love the French language, there's something so effortless, eloquent, and fluid (far from any of the adjectives I would have used to describe, probably, the first eight years of learning) about it that genuinely compels me.

For me, dressing myself every moning is all about balance and about how you work the scale. We all know too much of something is never good for us. So I always love to add subtle details to my everyday outfit; I love having a slight unexpectedness in a look. Which is why my go-to choice of clothing always seems to be something distressed. Paired with something floral or cute, it adds a little twist that works perfectly to balance something that's too flirty for my taste to being just right. Top it all off with some fun shades that compliment your casual slip-ons. You're good to go and soaring clear!
- A

Free People tank top //Zara jeans //
Charlotte Russe sunglasses // Vans perforated slip-ons

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  1. gorgeous!! i absolutely love the white vans :). i wish to pick up french in college :) it's a beautiful language!

    I'd appreciate it you could check out my blog :)

